Niveau  Débutant

Learn the ART of Substance Painter

Description Course updated April 2021. *** NOW FEATURING SUBSTANCE DESIGNER *** A whole new section, consisting of 12 new Substance Designer tutorials, has been added to the Substance Painter course. This section will teach you how to use Designer. It will also show you…

VSD Intern – DAC IP design using Sky130 PDKs – Part 1

Description The webinar aims to design a 10-bit potentiometric Digital to Analog Converter using end-to-end Open-source EDA tools. The target is to design 10-bit potentiometric DAC with 3.3v analog voltage, 1.8v digital voltage and 1 off-chip external voltage reference using…

Débuter sur TikTok : le guide marketing complet !

Description Le cours sur TikTok Marketing le plus complet disponible sur Udemy : Comment réussir votre marketing et votre communication sur ce nouveau réseau absolument incroyable en termes de contenus, de créativité et d’audiences. EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURSÉ durant 30 jours ! Ce…

WordPress Engagement Optimization:

Description ============================================ Here’s an exclusive, brand new, 8-part video course you can’t miss « Finally, Here Are Some Tips To Make Your Site More Engaging: In Less Than 60 Minutes, Create A WordPress Site That Generates More Leads, Sales, & Profits! »…

Fusion 360 Beginners Course

Description This course is for an absolute beginner in Fusion 360 who has never worked with this software before and wants to learn everything about Fusion 360 right from scratch. These are the major highlights of the course A comprehensive…

Introduction to kinetic facades

DescriptionFor a long period of time, architecture had been considered ‘static’ for most purposes. However, starting from basic individual ‘moving elements’ like doors, windows, elevators, etc., technology has helped architects to design buildings that move as a whole or a…

Pack graphisme design les bases Gimp + Inkscape + Scribus

Description Pack logiciels graphiques libre service Apprenez les bases des trois logiciels équivalents à Photoshop, Illustrator et InDesign. Oui je vous propose les trois logiciels références en libre service, c’est à dire gratuit, qui proposent des fonctionnalités équivalentes, à savoir…