Learn Blender 2.8 from scratch and start modeling cool stuff without drawing skills!

3D Illustration on Blender 2.8 -3D for Aspiring Illustrators

Learn Blender 2.8 from scratch and start modeling cool stuff without drawing skills!
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133  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you interested on expressing yourself visually but you are just not very good at drawing?

Then 3D illustration might be the way to go!

3D modeling is the fastest and easiest way to achieve attractive graphics in a short time. Specially on Blender, because it’s totally FREE and a robust tool that will allow you to create whatever you can imagine.

You may be thinking: Isn’t 3D software hard to use? Well, this course will guide you through the basics on an easy step by step way, so you’ll end up with a cool illustration and the knowledge to start making your own stuff!

Time is gold, so don’t overthinking and start your creative journey right now!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who want to create amazing illustrations, not by drawing, but with 3D free software
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Learn Blender 2.8 from scratch and start modeling cool stuff without drawing skills!

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