Categorie  Wireframing

Mobile Design Wireframing in Axure RP

Description Get a behind-the-scenes look at my design and prototyping process Are you looking to learn how to create professional and interactive mobile prototypes using Axure RP? Look no further! Our course on mobile prototyping in Axure RP is the…

The Unexpected Power of Lo-Fi UX + UI Prototyping

Description Teams — and stakeholders in particular — are always tempted to skip prototyping and dive right into production-level code. But in doing so, they’re missing out on something. And that something isn’t necessarily what you think. Sure, lo-fi prototyping…

Complete guide to UI / UX Wireframing

DescriptionHave you ever wondered about the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design process? The coolest parts of these processes are wire-framing and sketching. These processes are about producing the very first examples of the application or website that you…