An Introduction to Wireframing and Rapid Prototyping with Balsamiq and Adobe XD

Learn UX: Wireframe and Prototype a Mobile App (2023)

An Introduction to Wireframing and Rapid Prototyping with Balsamiq and Adobe XD
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
52 Avis
202  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this class, you will learn how to rapidly wireframe and rapidly prototype a mobile app using Balsamiq and Adobe XD.

My name is Gene Guy and  I’m a Product Designer and Developer. I tailored this class specifically for beginners and intermediate UX Designers who would like  to learn how to use Balsamiq  and also Adobe XD to wireframe and prototype, as well as level up their UX design skills as demand for UX designers is increasingly on the rise.

After a short introduction, we will discuss the Balsamiq and Adobe XD software, why wireframing is important, and go over the tools, basic concepts, and terminology of Balsamiq and Adobe XD.  After that, we will take what we have learned and I will walk you through a sample mobile app project that we will wireframe and prototype together.  You will also learn some tips and tricks along the way.

At the end of this course, you’ll have the opportunity to create your own set of wireframes and prototypes based on a mobile app of your choice. You will be able to use this set of wireframes and prototypes as a project in your portfolio.

The course will be constantly updated with new content, thereby making this a long term high-value purchase, that will accelerate your ambition.

I can’t wait to see you in class and start wireframing and prototyping together! 🙂 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
The class is for both beginner level UX designers who wish to get into the UX field or current UX designers who wish to level up their skills in wireframing and prototyping.
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An Introduction to Wireframing and Rapid Prototyping with Balsamiq and Adobe XD

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