Complete guide to UI / UX wire framing  from basic up to creating Chat Application UI in Balsamiq Mockup .

Complete guide to UI / UX Wireframing

Complete guide to UI / UX wire framing from basic up to creating Chat Application UI in Balsamiq Mockup .
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575  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionHave you ever wondered about the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design process? The coolest parts of these processes are wire-framing and sketching. These processes are about producing the very first examples of the application or website that you want to build.

You can draw wire frames with a pencil on actual paper if you have some drawing skills, but what could be better than a computer and software to help you with this? 

In this course, we will:

talk about wire-framing basics and why we need wireframes and sketches of our user interfaces
discuss what a user interface is and we look at the UI/UX design process
consider the required tools and we look at Balsamiq Mockups software in depth
create interactive buttons in Balsamiq Mockups
learn how to export your files from Balsamiq and use these in another cool prototyping app called Marvel

You will learn everything, from the basics of user interfaces to how to make a Mobile Chat application.

Features of this class: 

1-      Easy to follow 

2-      No need of any advance understanding of graphic software programmes 

3-      A complete guide

4-      Project oriented 

5-      Project files and assets
If you are new to UI/UX design and want an in-depth look at this important phase of UI/UX design, then this course is perfect for you. Let’s get started!À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course is for people with a little bit knowledge in graphic software like Photoshop , Illustrator , Corel draw or Sketch .Afficher plusAfficher moins

Complete guide to UI / UX wire framing  from basic up to creating Chat Application UI in Balsamiq Mockup .

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