This course provides an introduction to Google Ads, specifically focusing on the implementation of Google Ads retargeting strategies.
Retargeting involves displaying ads to individuals who have previously visited your website. These individuals, having shown interest in your site, are considered warm leads. Targeting warm leads is more effective than targeting cold leads, as those who have engaged with your website are more likely to interact with your business and are typically more cost-effective to reach.
The course is designed to be concise, allowing participants to set up their retargeting campaigns in a single day and commence running ads promptly.
The instructor is responsive and committed to providing excellent support to students. With a commitment to addressing 99% of student queries within 24 hours, the instructor emphasizes care and responsibility to ensure students derive value from the course, distinguishing this support from experiences where other instructors may not be as responsive.
Retargeting serves as a crucial strategy, considering that the majority of websites generate leads and sales from only 5% of their traffic. The course highlights the significance of retargeting to re-engage past website visitors, encouraging them to return and, ideally, make a purchase. Many businesses employ retargeting because it has proven to be effective, often yielding the highest Return On Investment (ROI). If you aim to learn how to execute profitable retargeting campaigns, this course is tailored for you.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course if for anyone looking to make the most of their website traffic by developing profitable remarketing and retargeting campaigns This course is for you if you know that retargeting works, but haven’t been able to make it successful for your company This course is for you if you’re interested in learning more about how retargeting works on a deeper level, and you want to set up profitable remarketing campaigns using that knowledge This course is for your if you’re an entrepenuer that needs to drive a high level of engagement to your brands and products This course is for you if you’re a business owner that needs their website to convert more and you’re ready to explore retargeting ads If you’ve heard of retargeting ads and you want to learn more about retargeting ads and remarketing campaigns, take this course This course is NOT for you if you’re not serious about your website traffic
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