Learn Simulation and Analysis of Daylight

Daylight Simulation & Analysis using Ladybug & Honeybee

Learn Simulation and Analysis of Daylight
Notes de 3,7 sur 5
25 Avis
80  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Ladybug allows us to import and analyze weather-related data in Grasshopper; draw diagrams like wind-rose, Sun-path, radiation-rose, etc. Also, we can customize the diagrams in several ways, can run shadow studies, radiation analysis and view analysis.

Honeybee connects Grasshopper tool to validated simulation engines such as EnergyPlus/OpenStudio and Radiance for comfort, building energy, daylighting and other lighting simulation.

Dragonfly helps to create and manipulate large-scale EnergyPlus and Radiance models by capitalizing on an abstract 2D representation of building geometry, considering every room is extrusion of floor plates.

Butterfly connects Grasshopper to the OpenFOAM engine, which can be used to run advanced computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations.

We use Ladybug and Honeybee environmental analysis plugins for Grasshopper in Rhino. Ladybug combines geometry in Rhino and the parametric interface of Grasshopper with open-source weather data to create climate analysis graphics and diagrams. Honeybee connects Rhino geometry and Grasshopper tool to select advanced energy modelling and simulation programs such as Radiance, Days, EnergyPlus, OpenStudio, and gbXML.

“Ladybug and Honeybee are two free and open source environmental plugins for Grasshopper to help designers create an environmentally-conscious architectural design.”

So, let’s begin the course on a positive note and wishing you all to have a fruitful journey throughout the coursework.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Architectural & Engineering Students
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Learn Simulation and Analysis of Daylight

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