Auteur  The GT Academy

LEED GA v4.1 – Preparatory Exam Made Easy

Description Green Buildings, or Sustainable Buildings, are an Integral resource for saving our environment. Green Buildings possess the ability to eradicate the environmental impacts associated with all stages of the life-cycle of a commercial product, process, or service. For example,…

Green Building Rating Systems

Description The three main credit rating systems in India, is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) rating system, the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA). In addition, the Building Code…

Preparatory Course for IGBC AP Examination

Description « According to the Indian Green Building Council has agreed to a Professional Assessment is conducted by MeritTrac Services Private Limited, India’s leading and the largest of the song, the assessment of the knowledge of the company. MeritTrac has already…

Daylight Simulation & Analysis using Ladybug & Honeybee

Description Ladybug allows us to import and analyze weather-related data in Grasshopper; draw diagrams like wind-rose, Sun-path, radiation-rose, etc. Also, we can customize the diagrams in several ways, can run shadow studies, radiation analysis and view analysis. Honeybee connects Grasshopper…