Categorie  Marketing produits

Foreign marketing

Description This course is intended for individuals to understand the various topics on researched analysis, Competitive analysis, Product pricing, Segmentation, Organization and leadership , Foreign entry modes, Industrial marketing, Channels & communication, info systems and research, Global customers. The course…

広告に頼らず市場を切り拓いたテスラに学ぶ、常識破りのマーケティング戦略 〜短期間で年間出荷100万台を超えた戦略とは?〜

Description 全く注目されていなかった電気自動車の産業に参画し、わずか20年でトヨタ自動車の時価総額の4倍以上にまで成長したテスラ。 テスラが取った戦略やビジョンを知らなければ、単なるバブルのように見えます。 では、何が世界から評価され、何を戦略として掲げ、快進撃を続けてきたのか? そこには経営理論から見ても合理的な、大胆で緻密なマーケティング戦略があります。 このコースではその戦略の数々を丁寧に解説していき、新規事業や事業の多角化の際に必要となる重要なナレッジを習得することができます。 À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ? 今後の企業の成長を支えるような製品やサービスを作りたい新規事業企画をする方 ヒット商品を生み出したい事業企画部や起業家の方 マーケティング部門に所属し、マーケティング戦略の見直しをされている方 教科書には載っていない最新のマーケティング事例を知りたいMBAの社会人学生や経済学部/商学部の学生の方 Afficher plus

Master SaaS Marketing for Software Products

Description Take a look at these various components of SaaS marketing: That is a lot of stuff you need to learn to get hold of the SaaS marketing landscape, Product marketing digital/growth marketing content marketing Marketing Operations and Automation Demand…

Developing actionable competitor reviews

Description Most organisations routinely review their direct competitors, capture what they’re up to in a slide deck and don’t actually do anything with it. To get value from conducting a competitor review, you need to break down the entire customer…

Finance for Micro-Renewable Energy

Description This course is for businesses and domestic customers who wish to learn how to assess if a particular product is worthwhile investing in or how to sell their renewable energy in a better way. Selling a product is about…

Skillshare For Beginners: Fast Track Training

Description Heard about people making money with Skillshare? Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Sell Your Knowledge For Passive Profits On Skillshare. Have you ever thought about selling what you know online? How about not having to mess…

Trade Map ile İhracatta Pazar Analizi ve Hedef Pazar Tespiti

Description International Trade Center tarafından hazırlanan TRADE MAP uygulamasının ihracatta pazar analizi, hedef pazar tespiti ve potansiyel müşterilerin bulunmasında nasıl kullanılacağı öğretilecektir.  Kursun neredeyse tamamı eğitmenin ekran paylaşımı ve ilgili web siteleri üzerinden gerçekleştirileceği için kurs esnasında uygulama yapmak isteyen kursiyerlerin…