Auteur  Илья Хлынин

3D Modeling in Maya for Beginners

Description Autodesk Maya is one of the most popular packages for 3D modeling and more. In this course, we will learn how to work with this amazing program from scratch. It is crucial to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge…

NEW. Weapon modeling for AAA games in Blender .

Description You will learn to work in the coolest and rapidly evolving 3D package, which in my opinion is Blender. You will master the use of Substance Painter, which is currently the most in-demand software in the market for texturing…

NEW. All in one Blender Character creation for beginners.

Description A full-fledged training system for future character creators in Blender. -It includes instruction on the basics of using the software -character modeling -sculpting -baking deformation maps -texturing -rigging -posing- -rendering process. Hello, my name is Ilya Khlyinin. I am…