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How to Be a Great Podcast Guest

Description There are 850,000 active podcasts.  Many are looking for guests.  Guests like you, who have a message to share.  Want to sell a book?  Want to sell a course?  Want to fill your coaching or professional practice?  Borrow your…

Die Social Media Marketing Masterclass: Lerne alles von A-Z

Description Social Media Marketing ist mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil jeder Marketingstrategie und bietet auch für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten im Internet gefunden zu werden und Informationen und Inhalte bereitzustellen. In diesem Kurs lernst du alles über…

Portrait Drawing in Adobe Photoshop

Description Many people want to draw portraits in Photoshop,  but don’t know the basic fundamentals of digital art at all. It can takes years to piece together different ideas to truly begin to understand how it even works. but it…

PortfolioCraft Mastering the Art of Design Showcase TM

Description « PortfolioCraft » goes beyond the conventional approach to portfolio creation. It’s a dynamic, hands-on course that emphasizes real-world case studies, practical exercises, and actionable steps. The course is designed to empower designers at all levels to create portfolios that not…

Learn To Create A Pong Game In Unity & C#

Description Embark on a thrilling odyssey into the dynamic realms of game development as we journey through the creation of your very own captivating Pong game using Unity. This course isn’t just a stroll through programming concepts; it’s an immersive…

Curso Básico de Desenho Mangá Desenhando Personagens

DescriptionEste curso é direto ao ponto. Focado em mostrar detalhes de proporção e anatomia, pois essas são a base para o desenho correto de qualquer personagem. Veremos técnicas de criação de personagens que facilitarão o desenho de cópias ou criação…

Photoshop cc 2019 / 2020 – Do Básico ao Avançado

Description Curso de Adobe Photoshop Do básico ao Avançado Aprenda trabalhar com o photoshop o programa mais utilizado do ramo da computação gráfica onde você faz edições de imagens, manipulações de imagem, retoque de foto e muito mais. Neste Curso…