Niveau  Intermédiaire

The Complete Orc Bust Sculpting Course with ZBrush

Description Stephen Wells covers his process of sculpting, poly painting, and baking normal maps step-by-step for this Next-Gen Orc Head model. You will learn about various tools and workflow aspects of ZBrush and work your way through the sculpting process…

CEO Branding Strategies

Description In an era where personal brands have become anvils on which great businesses are built and thrives on, it has become imperative for Leaders, CEOs, Top Executives, Politicians, Entrepreneurs, Solo-prenuers to properly build their brands. By positioning themselves properly…

Before Building Your Small Business Website

Description Many times small business owners have to wear many hats and play many roles in running their businesses. This can include building their own website. If you have no skills or experience with web design, this can be an overwhelming…

Houdini FX : Creating An Avalanche Rig

Description Hello Houdini Artists.! This course will show you all the steps involved in setting up an Avalanche FX rig. There are over 5 hours of lecture videos going over the process of creating this setup. You should have working knowledge…

Hand-Painted Texturing in Blender

Description Welcome to my course on Hand-Painted Texturing in Blender! Not all 3d artists have the 2d art skills necessary to pull off stylized hand-painted textures often seen in games and sometimes film. So I created this course to try and…

How to draw in the « Walking Dead » style

Description Would you like to draw like in the comicbook Walking Dead? This course is made for you ! I will teach you many tips and techniques to use your graphic tablet and computer creative softwares to create characters, frames…