Niveau  Débutant

Master Academic Typesetting with LaTeX

Description Do you need to write a thesis, research paper, or book in LaTeX? Would you like to create professional-looking documents with LaTeX to enhance your technical writing? Or are you suddenly required to learn LaTeX for some other reason,…

CANVA 2024 | Prise en main en 2h

Description Vous avez toujours voulu libérer votre créativité, concevoir des visuels époustouflants et donner vie à vos idées avec confiance ? Ne cherchez plus ! Notre toute nouvelle formation e-learning, d’une durée de 2 heures, vous guidera pas à pas…

Pixel Art in Adobe Photoshop CC for Beginners

Description Do you want to learn Pixel Art In Adobe Photoshop? If ‘YES’ then you are in the right place! This course teaches the basics of creating pixel art with step-by-step tutorials. Students will learn about shapes, shadows, and edges,…

Photoshop Course for Beginners

Description Learn how to use Photoshop from scratch even with no previous knowledge. We do courses like this and write books about Photoshop and other themes like this for more than 25 years and we are very happy about the…

KRECK Digital Content Creation Masterclass

DescriptionKellan Reck’s ‘KRECK Digital Content Creation Masterclass’ is one of the most up-to-date, in-depth and advanced content creation and social media growth courses on the market right now. You’ll learn how to start creating digital content meant for the social…