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SEO A-Z™ | Uzmanından Kapsamlı SEO Kursu

DescriptionSEO kursumuz aracılığı ile bir websitenin organik kanalda yüksek trafiklere ulaşması için gereken tüm detayları öğrenebileceksiniz. Kursumuzda  en önemli SEO faktörlerinin tamamını ayrıntılı olarak göreceksiniz. Tüm standart SEO teknikleri yanında, hiçbir alanda göstermediğim ve profesyonel çalışmalarımda kullandığım özel teknikleri de öğreterek, ister şahsi…

Learn Solidworks Basics By Practical Methodology.

Description This Course is designed for Mechanical Engineering Students, Mechanical Engineers, and Draft men which need to Learn Basics of 3D modeling by Using Solid works software. We are not just learning , We are Enjoying we will not learn…

Office Lighting Design Techniques

Description In this course, you will learn everything you need to know on how to successfully design and calculate an office lighting.  The course is composed of theory about lighting design, and hands-on tutorials using the Dialux evo software and…

Midjourney Mastery – Make Money with Ai Images

Description Welcome to the world of Midjourney and AI-generated art! In this Udemy course, I will show you how to use Midjourney efficiently to create impressive AI art. Utilize Midjourney for creating stock images, graphics, logos, or even works of…

Unity3D: Create Your Very First Game Using Unity

Description Get the First-hand experience developing and building a simple PC Standalone Game in just over 2 hours. Learning to build games is all about your mentality. You can accomplish anything in game development with enough practice. In just above…

Photoshop Professor Notes – Volumes 1 – 5

Description Photoshop Professor Notes – Volumes 1 – 5 A Photoshop Master Class for Photographers, Graphic Designers, Multimedia Production Technicians and anyone else This is Volume1 through 5 in my “Photoshop – Beginners to Intermediate” series. I have developed this…