Niveau  Débutant

The Complete AutoCAD 2007-2020 Course

Description Introduction :- No matter any Engineering Discipline – Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, Civil, Structural – CAD drawings have a common purpose to convey information on how to Construct / Production. In order to start any constructions, we must have CAD…

Learn Adobe InDesign: Design a Magazine and More in InDesign

Description Create magazines, brochures, and more in InDesign! Learn InDesign, the world’s industry-standard publication layout program, to create flyers, posters, advertisements, and online magazines. Create magazines to share online or sell online through Apple. Create books to sell on Amazon.…

Introduction to Digital Marketing

DescriptionThis course is designed for any new business owner or student who wants to have a complete beginners guide to Digital Marketing.The course is created for anyone; who is eager to learn about Digital Marketing & Business Strategies.The course is…

Écrivez du contenu en marchant grâce à l’IA

Description Imaginez un instant pouvoir créer du contenu incroyable, qui captive votre audience, booste votre visibilité et fait exploser votre business… Le tout en vous promenant tranquillement dans la nature ! Vous en avez assez de passer des heures devant…

SMS « Text Message » Marketing Strategies

Description SMS « Text Message » Marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools available to business owners. As it is still so new it is easy to make mistakes. This course on SMS « Text Message » Marketing will teach you:…

SEO & SEM Master I™ with certification from IIDM

Description Welcome to the International Institute of Digital Marketing™ The International Institute of Digital Marketing™ is a certifying body founded in the USA by several long-standing marketers. We have years of experience in business, marketing, and more, and have put…

The Unexpected Power of Lo-Fi UX + UI Prototyping

Description Teams — and stakeholders in particular — are always tempted to skip prototyping and dive right into production-level code. But in doing so, they’re missing out on something. And that something isn’t necessarily what you think. Sure, lo-fi prototyping…

Easy Game Design with Unity

DescriptionWe are going to be building a 3d scene as a setting for an epic dance battle between Shaggy and Thanos. Who will win? You will because you are going to learn C# coding and 3d Game Design using Unity! I like…