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SEO Basics Tips for Ranking Better

Description We all know that better ranking equals more traffic which equals more sales online. SEO The practice of Search Engine Optimization has changed a lot and will continue to evolve. Develop a mindset, in order to evolve alongside. There…

CAVALRY: Débutez dans la création vectorielle

Description Ce logiciel gratuit et extrêmement puissant va vous donner des ailes en tant que créateur de visuels vectoriels. Créé par des animateurs pour des animateurs – Cavalry rend l’animation 2d plus intelligente, plus facile et plus rapide à produire.…

Video Marketing for Artists

DescriptionFor any creative, marketing can be seen as a necessary evil. I’d say, take out the ‘evil’ and add in ‘process.’ Yes, marketing is a process. But it also doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it first seems when…

Blender to Unreal Engine 5

Description Course Description Would you like to learn how to model a windmill reminiscent of medieval times and breathe life into that fantasy by importing it into a game engine? Now, what if I told you I have a course…

Autodesk BIM 360 – Docs

Description Learn how to setup a Project on Autodesk BIM 360 Docs and how to share Plans like PDFs and 3D data like Navisworks or Revit files. You will also see how to review files, track issues in the project,…

Tiny House Design Part 3 – Utilities and Systems

DescriptionThis is going to be a conversation about the utilities and hookups available for tiny houses including pros and cons of each. I will talk about on-grid, off-grid and self contained options when it comes to water, sewer and electric…