Niveau  Débutant

Concept Art | Beginners Class – Start to Finish

Description Starting with digital painting can be a lot in the beginning. This class is specifically designed to give you a smooth and intuitive entry into the world of digital art, without overwhelming you with too many technicalities. In this…

Instagram Marketing: Instagram A-Z für Einsteiger

Description Instagram Marketing: Instagram A-Z für Einsteiger – Lerne Instagram Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Stories, Reels, Social Media, Instagram Wachstumstipps & Fallstudien Dein Weg zum Instagram-Erfolg Hast Du Schwierigkeiten zu verstehen, wie Instagram funktioniert und wie Du es für Dein Unternehmen nutzen…

Design with KiCad (Basic)

Description This course is designed for electronic design beginners to learn how to design an electronic project with KiCad as design tool. At the beginning of the course, it introduces general process and steps of a typical electronic design project.…

Le Guide Essentiel d’Adobe InDesign CC: Pour Débutants

Description Apprenez Adobe InDesign CC avec cette formation Complète pour Débutants de A-Z. Maîtrisez la mise en page et créez vos brochures, CV, Magazines, pdf avec ce Logiciel de Graphisme ——————— Bonjour mes amis, je m’appelle Kate Silver – Graphiste,…

Successfully Sell Digital Art on Etsy

Description In this course, you will learn how to successfully sell digital art on Etsy. I will be sharing all of my secrets to success that has gotten me to where I am today, having a full income side business. …

Facebook Ads Master Course for Beginners

Description In this online training program, you will discover the secrets on how to create your FB (and Instagram) ads effectively, how to optimize for better results, and ultimately generate qualified leads and profitable sales Everything taught in this program…