Niveau  Débutant

Mastering Photoshop Elements 13 Made Easy Training Tutorial

DescriptionLearn Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easy features 162 video lessons and over 6 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you…

ChatGPT for SEO: Beginner To Advanced ChatGPT Guide

Description Welcome to ChatGPT For Websites & SEO, the ultimate guide to using ChatGPT for search engine optimization. ChatGPT is a cutting-edge technology that is revolutionizing the world of content creation. By enrolling in this course, you will have the…

SAS Enterprise Guide (Türkçe)

Description Kursumuzda Neler Yapacağız? SAS Enterprise Guide ekranlarını tanıyacağız. İşlemlerimizde SAS ın arayüzünü kullanacağız. Excel tablolarını SAS’a aktarıp SAS tablolarını excele alacağız. SAS fonksiyonları ile  yeni kolonlar/değişkenler oluşturacağız. Farklı tabloları birleştirip filtreleme ve sıralama işlemlerini öğreneceğiz. Kod bile kullanmadan kısa…

Criação e Produção de Conteúdo para Marketing Digital

Description Está pensando em ganhar dinheiro produzindo materiais de marketing digital sobre sua área de conhecimento mas não sabe como transformar suas ideias em conteúdo? Conheça o processo  completo para você converter suas ideias em artigos, ebooks,  infográficos, vídeos, webinários,…

Jewelry Design Course 1/3

Description This course is the first step of the mile stone journey into jewelry design. We are going to learn how to draw gemstones, different cuts and shapes. And we will sketch together several jewelry pieces. We will start by…

Master 3ds max 3D Modeling by making THE VILLA from A to Z

Description architecture visualization Throughout this 3ds Max  tutorial we’ll go through the complete modeling  workflow for this project you’ll learn about the various modeling techniques essential  such as working with CAD plans, spline modeling , poly modeling of every building…