Complete Solar power plant designing course, with technical details, electrical calculations and AutoCAD designing.

You will design Ongrid type solar power plant with me.

Complete Solar power plant designing course, with technical details, electrical calculations and AutoCAD designing.
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26  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This is a complete Solar power plant designing course, to make it simple in this course we will design Ongrid type power plant together,

To make it as easy as possible, we will have a quick overview of all components of Solar power plant, then will cover the technical details of main components, so I have covered technical brochure of Panels, Inverter, Cables, so that you can check all technical details in deep and understand the fundamentals, because We believe IF BASICS ARE CLEAR YOU WILL DEVELOP YOUR ANALYSING SKILLS, AND SELF IMPLEMENTATION and can work on any project.

We have covered, following topics in details related to solar power plant designing, Like

1) 1.Quick Basics overview of solar power plant and explained it with a single line diagram.

2) Load calculation, because it is the first step, if you want to set up a power plant in your customer’s premises.

3) Panels – Complete details given in technical brochure of two different types of panels, complete with details of voltage, current rating, physical dimensions, PV graph, efficiency.

a) Polycrystalline type panel .

b) 144 cell, Monoperc type panel, which have a huge market in present scenario. alignment of 144 cell and benefit, .

4) On-grid Inverter’s brochures, complete with DC, AC voltage and current ratings, MPPT.

5) DC Side calculation, how panels and number of panels in a strings are decided, back – calculation from solar inverter, and designing DC side .

6) DCDB components, their function and how to decide rating.

7) Difference between DC and AC cables, DC and AC cables technical details, different rating of cables available in market, and current rating against each rating.

8) AC side system design and calculation, Current calculation, using power formula for three phase and single phase system, MCB and Cable’s rating selection.

9) ACDB components, their function and MCB rating calculation which are important components for a ACDB for protection.

10) AutoCAD commands will take you to Auto CAD interface, will learn to draw Line, rectangle, circle, arc, modify your drawing by trim, mirror, copy, scale, hatch, stretch, array, Block, etc.

11) WE will draw the single line diagram using AutoCAD.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginner who want to grown in Solar field, electrical field and in sustainable energy field
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Complete Solar power plant designing course, with technical details, electrical calculations and AutoCAD designing.

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