Get Free Organic Traffic by learning SEO for your WordPress Website

WordPress SEO & The Yoast SEO Plugin

Get Free Organic Traffic by learning SEO for your WordPress Website
Notes de 4,1 sur 5
145 Avis
1 739  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



*** Newly Updated November 2016 ***

Get the most out of your WordPress SEO by setting up the Yoast SEO plugin for optimum results!

The section on How to Set Up the Yoast SEO Plugin has just been revised with up-to-date information and tutorials on the latest version of the plugin. 


Over 1000 students enrolled in the first 24 hours of the official course launch.

I designed this course for the average small business owner who already has a WordPress site and wants to get more free organic traffic.

The course is designed to walk you through the foundation of Search Engine Optimization and take the mystery out of SEO, allow you to confidently choose what I call “Money Keywords”, install and setup WordPress SEO plugins that allow both people and the search engines to love your site, and easily do what your competition is missing out on.

The ideal student for this course is an entrepreneur or small business owner who already has their own WordPress website, has a basic understanding of WordPress, knows how to install plugins, and how to write and publish blog posts.

There are no other requirements or prerequisite courses. Just come with an open mind and be ready to learn.

If you’ve struggled in the past with little or no traffic to your site, you’ve tried SEO before and just couldn’t understand it, or you are a content creating machine with no visitors to your blog posts, then this course is for you.

Don’t wait another minute to start getting more traffic to your WordPress site and make more sales as a result.

Sign up now!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for business owners, bloggers, marketers, Realtors, and other solo entrepreneurs who are new to SEO and want to get more traffic to their WordPress website.
This course is also perfect for those with some understanding of SEO and want to learn how to setup and use the Yoast SEO plugin correctly.
If you do not use self-hosted WordPress, this course will not be good for you.
This information will not work with blogs.
Those with advanced SEO skills may find this course too basic.
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Get Free Organic Traffic by learning SEO for your WordPress Website

19,99 €
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