Your Essential Guide To Become A Successful Webmaster - Learn How To Build  Websites Like A Pro In Less Than 2 Weeks!

WordPress Essentials For Beginners – 52 HD Videos

Your Essential Guide To Become A Successful Webmaster – Learn How To Build Websites Like A Pro In Less Than 2 Weeks!
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Description « Finally, a course that every one can understand, explained clearly and precisely! Thanks a lot! » Pino Amato, Udemy Student – 5***** Rating « Very usefull course, especially for people like me that are not web masters. » Maria Kastanis, Udemy Student – 5***** Rating « I’m already building my website along with the course and it’s so exciting! Thumbs up! » Jonathan Nichols, Udemy Student – 4**** Rating WordPress Essentialls For Beginners – Be a WordPress Poweruser in less than 2 weeks. Build your website with confidence and ease. You are minutes away from gaining access to: *14 sections of in depth tutorials covering all aspects of Building, Setting, Maintaining and Optimizing your WordPress website. *52 HD Videos showing you step by step how to build a WordPress website from scratch. *Over 4 hours of visual content along with PDFs and MP3s, all Downloadable so you can study them anytime of the day, everywhere! ***Special Course Bonus:You’ll get the popular premium WordPress Theme « WP Social Press » as a complimentary bonus to this course, so you can implement right away, everything you’ve learned using this beautiful, highly customizable premium theme. *The ideal course for people with no technichal skills or prior experience on building websites. Everything is explained fully in simple terms, easy to understand for everyone! You probably have heard a lot about WordPress and almost everything is true! WordPress is a beautiful platform for creating websites and blogs in just a few minutes.And the best part, it’s absolutely free! But the real power of WordPress is flexibility. There are dozens of plug-ins that allow you to do all sort of amazing things with your website or blog, you’re only limited by your imagination. You could build a personal blog, a commercial website, a forum , a membership site, you could build a list, everything you can imagine of! The WordPress Essentials for Beginners was designed by professionals especially for you. You are a few minutes away from learning how to: Register a domain Host your website Install WordPress Create posts Add Videos, Pictures and other files Customize comments Edit users Use tags Use Plugins Use Widgets Transfer files Customize the appearance of your Website Send Emails from your WordPress site Install Facebook button Install Paypal button Hide affiliate links Install Google Analytics Create a Google XML Sitemap Create Polls Create a Forum Build a Membership site The WordPress Essentials for Begginers is the complete course for being a WordPress Poweruser. Learn how to build WordPress websites like a Pro and become a WordPress Webmaster, smart, fast and simple! À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ? This course is for everyone. No age, sex, professional background or educational level matters.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Your Essential Guide To Become A Successful Webmaster - Learn How To Build  Websites Like A Pro In Less Than 2 Weeks!

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