Create a WordPress website from scratch, no coding required. Learn WordPress Course Step-by-Step and Master WordPress.

WordPress Course – Build Websites with WordPress Blocks

Create a WordPress website from scratch, no coding required. Learn WordPress Course Step-by-Step and Master WordPress.
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30 759  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you ready to unlock the full potential of WordPress and build stunning websites with ease?

Welcome to the WordPress Course – Build Websites with WordPress Blocks!. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user looking to enhance your skills, this course is designed to help you with everything you need to know about WordPress as a software and content management system .

In this course, we’ll start with the basics, exploring the different versions of WordPress and the differences between WordPress. org and WordPress. com. You’ll then dive into getting started, learning how to set up your development environment with XAMPP, download and install WordPress, and manage user accounts.

Next, we’ll explore the WordPress admin dashboard, guiding you through the main menu, the welcome dashboard, and the WordPress toolbar. You’ll also learn about essential settings in WordPress, including general, writing, reading, discussion, media, permalinks, and privacy settings.

With the basics covered, we’ll move on to site customization settings, where you’ll learn how to choose and manage themes, set colors and fonts, and upload your brand logo. You’ll also discover how to customize the header and footer of your WordPress website, including the navigation or menu bar and the footer.

Content creation is a crucial part of any website, and in this course, you’ll learn how to create and manage pages and posts in WordPress. You’ll also explore categories and tags, featured images, and the use of blocks, including creating custom blocks, using reusable blocks, and leveraging patterns.

Managing media files is essential for a visually appealing website, and you’ll learn how to add and manage media files in the WordPress media library. Additionally, you’ll discover the power of plugins in WordPress, including finding, installing, and managing plugins to enhance your website’s functionality.

Finally, we’ll cover WordPress security, including creating and securing user accounts, installing SSL certificates, and backing up your WordPress website to protect your hard work.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to confidently build and manage professional websites using WordPress.

Enroll now and start your WordPress journey today!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Absolute Beginners: If you’ve never worked with WordPress before and are eager to learn how to create a website from scratch, this course is tailored just for you. We start from the very basics, ensuring you feel right at home.
Aspiring Web Developers: If you’re considering a career in web development or want to enhance your existing skills, our course provides a solid foundation. You’ll gain hands-on experience with a widely-used platform.
Small Business Owners: If you own a small business and want to take control of your online presence, learning how to build and manage your own website with WordPress is a valuable skill. We’ll help you become self-reliant in this aspect.
Bloggers and Content Creators: For those looking to share their thoughts or creations with the world, our course enables you to create a professional blog or content platform with ease. You’ll be equipped to publish and manage your content effectively.
Marketing Professionals: In the digital age, understanding the basics of WordPress can be a game-changer for marketing professionals. You’ll gain insights into optimizing websites for better visibility and user experience.
Freelancers and Side Hustlers: Whether you’re considering freelance web design or simply want to earn extra income, mastering WordPress is a valuable skill. This course provides the foundation for a side gig or freelance work.
Individuals Wanting Creative Control: If you have a unique vision for your website and want to bring it to life, this course empowers you to customize your site, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your ideas.
Non-Technical Individuals: You don’t need a technical background to excel in this course. We’ve designed it to be accessible to those without prior technical knowledge.
Students and Enthusiasts: If you’re a student or simply have a passion for web development, our course is an excellent starting point. You’ll gain skills that can be applied to personal projects and future endeavors.
Anyone Curious About WordPress: If you’re curious about what WordPress is and how it works, this course provides the answers. It’s for those who want to explore the capabilities of this versatile platform.
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Create a WordPress website from scratch, no coding required. Learn WordPress Course Step-by-Step and Master WordPress.

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