Enroll More Clients With A Compelling, Professional Website

Website Marketing For EFT Practitioners

Enroll More Clients With A Compelling, Professional Website
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
3 Avis
37  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you looking to get more clients for your EFT practice (or other alternative professional practice)?

Are you wondering how to create a website that will attract more clients and help you build you practice?

Do you wish a seasoned online marketing and copywriting pro would take you step-by-step through the process of creating a compelling website?

You’re in the right place! This course walks you through the process, page by page, so you get a website that supports your mission and attracts your ideal clients. 

I’ve been working with solo-preneurs and independent professionals for over 10 years, helping them reach the level of growth they’ve always wanted. 

When you implement the steps you’ll find in this powerful course, you’ll be using every pixel of your website to attract motivated clients who are eager to learn from you. Your website will … 

Attract many more of your ideal clients
Explain the benefits of EFT so your clients appreciate the value of what you offer
Help your prospects understand why you’re the best possible resource to deal with their challenges 
Get up and running faster than most of your colleagues — without breaking the bank or losing your mind
Reach your ideal clients and eliminate the tire-kicers

You need this course because …

… the number of EFT practitioners is increasing and you need to differentiate yourself and your skills

…your friendly competitors are studying this material and you’ll want to compete on a level playing field

…your clients are exposed to a ton of information and promotion and you need to stand out

…most important — you’ll serve more people by addressing their needs, solving their problems and sometimes transforming their lives. 

Why wait? Every course comes with Udemy’s no-questions-asked, 30-day, money-back guarantee.

We take all the risk and you get all the benefit. Enroll today! 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
EFT Practitioners and Other Healing Professionals Who Want To Help More Clients
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Enroll More Clients With A Compelling, Professional Website

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