This Tranning can be make by Begginer and Advanced user of vray, We are going to explaind everything in 5 simple steps (Framing-Lighting-Material-Rendering-Post-Production). this steps can be apply for any other interior spaces and it will help you to make a photo-realistic render. That even Begginer & Advanced user will be able to follow.
As Trainer, If any of my student have a doubt ( You can request any extra video and I will make an update into the (EXTRA BONUS AREA) for all you to understand.
At the very end, I want to any of you to take this course learn how to make foto-realistic rendering.
This tranning will take you to real 3D Artist.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Architect Students and Profesionals
Interior Designers
V-ray Artist
3D Artist
People who render into any other software using V-ray
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