How to become a Visual Effects Producer in Film and Television.

Visual Effects Producing 101

How to become a Visual Effects Producer in Film and Television.
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87 Avis
564  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



With todays VFX production getting demanding and ambitious – yet the schedule and budgets are getting tighter, its apparent that the next generation of Producers need to be VFX savvy more than ever to manage and deliver the shows on time and on budget.

Increasingly independent filmmakers utilising visual effects in their films by tapping into VFX teams globally are realising the need to have a VFX producing hat on in order to do this successfully.

This is a course taught by an experience VFX Producer for anyone interested in the field of visual effects production management or who is currently looking to make the step up into VFX producing whether you are an VFX Co-coordinator, assistant or even a VFX Artist looking to make the transition into the VFX management side of things.

By the end of the course you would have had the knowledge and hands on experience with tools such as ftrack to do just that.

NOTE: This course will not show you how to make CGI shots or animation, it will teach you how to be a producer / manage teams for the VFX in short films, feature films and TV. 

DISCLAIMER:  The version of ftrack used in this Course is older than the version currently available (but the same principles apply), if you would like to use ftrack as part of the course, please request for a demo from the lovely team at ftrack via their site (ftrack dot com) and mention the VFX Producing 101 course.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners curious about being a producer
Industry people interested in visual effects
VFX Artists interested in tools such as Ftrack
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How to become a Visual Effects Producer in Film and Television.

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