Marketing for Artists Who Just Want to Get Back to Creating

Video Marketing for Artists

Marketing for Artists Who Just Want to Get Back to Creating
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DescriptionFor any creative, marketing can be seen as a necessary evil. I’d say, take out the ‘evil’ and add in ‘process.’ Yes, marketing is a process. But it also doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it first seems when you try to figure out which strategy works best for you. In this course, I’ve tried to take some of the overwhelm out and by creating a system that’s quick, cheap, and effective, and that will do the job well enough that you can get back to what you love: creating. Note: This course was originally created for musicians, but the concepts translate just as well to the rest of the arts. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Artists who want to set up and manage their own marketingMusicians who want to set up and manage their own marketingAfficher plusAfficher moins

Marketing for Artists Who Just Want to Get Back to Creating

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