Learn How to Use Premiere Pro CC to Create Your Animatic and Put Together the Final Sequence of Your Animation

Using an Editing Software for Animation

Learn How to Use Premiere Pro CC to Create Your Animatic and Put Together the Final Sequence of Your Animation
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIn this course I will show you how to use an editing software to help you with your animation.
Please note that this course is not about animation, but how to EDIT your animations and help you animate your projects better.

In the following lessons I will show you how to use the basics of adobe premiere pro, which cover everything you need to use an editing software for animation.

I am providing the project files in a zip file so you can follow along and practice everything I do in the screen.

Now, this is super important.

Even though this course is dedicated to teach you how to use premiere pro, you can actually follow along with any editing software, everything you learn here can be applied in any editing software out there.

So, feel free to switch to your preferred software at any time, be it final cut pro, vegas pro, iMovie, Corel Video Studio, Pinnacle studio or any one you choose, you should know that everything you learn here, can be applied in any software.

But, for this course, I will show you how to do everything inside Premiere Pro.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course is for animators who want to learn how to create the Animatic in Adobe Premiere ProAlso for animators interested in learning how to put together their animated sequencesAfficher plusAfficher moins

Learn How to Use Premiere Pro CC to Create Your Animatic and Put Together the Final Sequence of Your Animation

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