Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More

Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It!

Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More
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Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! —  Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More

Did You Know That…

Did you know that 93% of all communication is nonverbal? 
Meaning, only 7% of the words you say matter. The rest is made up through non-verbal behaviors. Behaviors such as:

Facial expression


Eye contact


Tone of Voice

Just as speech contains nonverbal elements, so does infographic design. 

Infographics Design uses nonverbal elements to visually communicates an intended message. Nonverbal factors such as:







And various forms of spatial arrangement

When combined with the « 7 Percent Rule, » infographics design and data visualization become a powerful tool in gaining the attention of our audience and communicating our message.

In this newly released course, Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! —  Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More, I not only teach you how to create professional looking infographics yourself, but I also DIVE DEEP into the process of exactly how to visually communicate your message in the way that’s intended.

Inside this course, earn proven, effective methods for creating high quality infographics from a Professional Graphic Designer.

Welcome to my Infographics Course!

Inside Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! —  Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More,, you’ll have fun learning dozens of useful methods for creating high quality, audience engaging infographics from a Professional Graphic Designer — me 😀

Rather you’re new to infographics or have a good idea of how they work; this course will cover everything you need to know about infographics  design and data visualization in an in-depth, comprehensive, fun and engaging way.

In this infographics course, Aisha Borel — Infographics Designer and Mind Mapping Expert — mixes her love of good design with her canny sense of humor and innate ability to take complicated subjects (such as Infographics Design using Canva) and distill them down to simple, easy to understand terms. While at the same time sharing expert tips and techniques that can be immediately applied by even the least experienced out there.

Also, Aisha will teach you proven methods usually only reserved for the advanced infographics designer. These methods will allow you to create engaging, low-cost infographics that not only will look designed by a team of professionals, but also stand out from the sea of bad, mediocre, and boring infographics out there.

Best of all…

• YOU DON’T NEED to hire a team of designers to create beautiful, well-designed infographics

• YOU DON’T NEED to be a professional graphic designer to enroll in this course and start creating amazing infographics

• And YOU DON’T NEED to purchase expensive software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop just to create infographics!

Instead, all you need is a desire to learn, a good internet connection, and a Canva account to get started.

So, join me in mastering in-depth methods for creating professional infographics today! 

What You’ll Learn:

You’ll learn how to take an empty page on your screen and create finished infographics design using Canva

You’ll learn how to visually communicate your message effectively inside an infographics

You’ll learn how to build a basic structure to hold all parts of your Infographics together 

You’ll learn to take basic text and content and make a professional looking Infographics design

You’ll learn the infographics design techniques needed to bring your content to life

You’ll learn how to best work with the all the content inside your Infographics 

You’ll learn step-by-step systems and processes used by professional infographics designers

You’ll learn core to advanced universal infographics design principles used by professionals 

What Else?

Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! —  Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More,, includes downloadable files and other resources to help you create the most effective infographics possible!

😀 Aisha

P.S. Here’s to your continued infographics success

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Entrepreneurs looking to further brand their message gain recognition through attention grabbing infographics
Business Professionals wanting to captivate and build their audience through infographics and other forms of visual story telling methods
Freelance Graphic Designers wanting to expand their portfolio by offering Clients professional, high-end infographics
Students wanting to better understand what they’re learning by sharing compressed pieces of their knowledge in the form of infographics
Anyone else wanting to say goodbye to boring content and hello to awesome infographics!
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Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More

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