Learn tinkercad for student projects

Upskill yourself by learning CAD and tinkercad for students

Learn tinkercad for student projects
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748  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course you will learn basics of tinkercad

How to signup , login and start using tinkercad. We just need an email to signup and login. Then we are ready to go.

Tinkercad is a free, web-based 3D design and modelling tool that allows users to create, modify, and share 3D models. It is aimed at beginners, hobbyists, and students, and offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a

large library of pre-made shapes, making it easy to get started with 3D design. Tinkercad can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating prototypes for engineering and product design, creating architectural models,

and designing jewellery and other objects.

Tinkercad is a great tool to learn CAD and especially used in schools colleges and for study purposed and also for 3d printing

This comes from Autodesk a company which produces professional CAD tools and is a market leader in this domain

The tool is very easy to learn and therefore i have made this tutorial for anyone who wants to get into CAD

You will learn how to design basic shapes , how to use the different tool functionalities

I will show how you can model different shapes like simple buildings , simple aeroplanes

Will also show how to use the electronic circuits section in tinkercad where it is possible to design circuits and run simulations. No hardware is required but use can simply learn all circuit elements and run simulation.

In this course i will provide you will many models which you can use for your college or student projects

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who has interest in models or CAD design
Students and professionals
Students seeking projects for learning CAD or school/college project
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Learn tinkercad for student projects

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