Media Made Easy

Understand all media platforms from past to future

Media Made Easy
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A perfect storm is raging across the media sectors and the survival of some, or all, is dependent on only one intervention – the rapidly changing consumer! The future of traditional media such as print (especially newspapers), TV, cinema, radio and out-of-home (outdoor) is uncertain, or is it?


The sexy new digital media sector is delivering incredible and measurable results, quicker and more cost-effective than traditional media, or does it? Your media agency and creative and/or strategic partners know it all and will make sure that you, the marketer, are kept up to date with these changes and enjoy the resulting benefits, but do they?

Most major marketers prefer not to have media reps call on them with presentations, special offers and such. They simply do not have the time to meet with hundreds of reps and try to make sense of all the information (and they also lose out on all the media “gifts” and great leave-behinds). They prefer that the reps present to their media agencies, who will compile all these packs of valuable information into media recommendations to be included in the strategy and media buying schedule attached to the budget. I know from experience that they simply cannot do this comprehensively and knowledgeably, often to the detriment of the marketer.

“Major marketers prefer not to have media reps call on them directly but rather present to their media and strategic partners”.

Get the Picture?

Many of the senior media planners and buyers are very young and have never been active users of newspapers, magazines or movies. They focus, correctly so, on the digital world and include a good chunk of the marketer’s budget on these sectors (using computer software)…or should they?

So what should you, as the Chief Marketing Officer, do to ensure that you get a non-partisan and balanced view of the trends taking place in the media world? Take a few refresher media courses, attend some exciting conferences and workshops in Europe and the USA? Why not, if your company can afford such expensive trips. However, there is an alternative:


Media Sector Trends 2022 will give you a good overview of each sector – past, present and future – and provide you with practical knowledge that will allow you to challenge the media schedule presented by your media/strategy agency. We cover the following media sectors: Print; Broadcast (TV & Radio); Out Of Home (OOH); Digital; Product Placement; Future opportunities; etc.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Secondary school learners interested in the media & marketing industries as well as entreptreneurs who need to understand hopw to market using the media platforms
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Media Made Easy

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