Ultimate guide for Beginners to learn Photoshop & User Interface Design for Web Design & Mobile App Design in two week

UI Design with Photoshop from Beginner to Expert in 15 days

Ultimate guide for Beginners to learn Photoshop & User Interface Design for Web Design & Mobile App Design in two week
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1 044 Avis
29 272  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionDo you think that UI Designers use Photoshop in the same way as other Designers?
Do you know what are the basic concepts, settings and tools UI Designers know and you don’t?

So if you want to learn UI Design with Photoshop and upgrade your confidence and Skill levels in Photoshop; this course is for YOU. This course is equally good for Beginners and Experts so don’t worry if you haven’t used Photoshop before.

Most of us don’t know the basic settings, shortcuts, tools and extension we need in Photoshop to become a UI Designer, we make same mistakes and keep on wasting time online searching for different settings and answers to common UI Design issues and problems.

What you will learn?

Master basic tools of Photoshop specific to UI Design.
Apply your knowledge to Landing Page design, Web App or Mobile App Design
Use Common Shortcuts, tools and Secret Extensions to speed up your web design workflowLearn about basics of Light and Shadow concepts in UI Design
How to use patterns and Gradients to improve your designs
Learn how User Interface Designers use Photoshop in their daily routines
Using & Creating Guides and Grids with Photoshop Extensions
Installing and using Photoshop Extensions for UI Design purpose
Using Gradients and Color overlays to create Modern Designs
Know about all the plugins and extensions used by UI Designers use all the time
Learn how to create and use GRIDS in Web Design
Designing Mobile app in Photoshop (Step by Step Exercise)
Image Editing techniques in Photoshop for removing background
Image color adjustment basics for UI Designers
What are Wireframes, how to create wireframes & tools to design wireframes?
Dribbble Shot re-design step by step exercises

Course Structure

More than 20 Practice Examples and design Challenges to get you better at UI Designing
Quizzes to test your knowledge of Photoshop regarding UI Design

Student Request Lecture Series

A lot of lectures are added on weekly basis on the request of my current students so join in and request any design problem or anything new you want to learn

How to Install Photoshop ZXP extensions in CC2018 (Student Request Lecture)
Dribbble Styled Dashboard Graphs and Stats Design Exercises (Student Request Lectures)

Take This Course Now and Start your career as a UI Designer
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Novice/Beginner Level DesignersWeb DesignerGraphic DesignerWeb Developers who wants to learn UI DesignUI Designer who wants more advaced techniquesAfficher plusAfficher moins

Ultimate guide for Beginners to learn Photoshop & User Interface Design for Web Design & Mobile App Design in two week

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