Quick basics and quizzes to help you build a foundation in typography through understanding typefaces (fonts).

Typography: Learn the Basics to Build a Solid Foundation

Quick basics and quizzes to help you build a foundation in typography through understanding typefaces (fonts).
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9 363  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



**UPDATED AUGUST 2015** Called « Amazing overview of typography – very engaging! »

Start to become comfortable tackling everyday design challenges! This course was created for non-designers who want to understand typography better.

About this course:

Quick and concise lessons
No special tools or software needed
Quizzes and materials to help you learn
Full, free lifetime access to this course
All future extra lectures for this course and upgrades are always included for free
Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee – that’s my personal promise of your success!

Today, you can start to increase your confidence with putting together your own content.

Also, the first 1,000 students of this course will receive a very special bonus – free access to the next course I am creating. That course will go deeper into typography and help you further your skills through things like learning how to design strong layouts, pair fonts effectively, and use simple graphic design principles to strengthen your work.

Click the « take this course » button, top right, now to enroll.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who will get the most out of this course are absolute beginners who have no background with typography. This course is intended to build a foundational understanding of typefaces that will later be built on to help students easily choose fonts for projects, combine them nicely, add meaning and beauty to their work, and create content with greater confidence.
Design professionals and other students who already have a working knowledge of typography will find this course too basic.
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Quick basics and quizzes to help you build a foundation in typography through understanding typefaces (fonts).

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