Masterclass of Basics  of Tools & Techniques in Adobe Illustrator in Urdu Language

Tools & Techniques: Adobe Illustrator [Urdu]

Masterclass of Basics of Tools & Techniques in Adobe Illustrator in Urdu Language
Notes de 5 sur 5
3 Avis
6  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this class, you’ll learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator, starting from the interface, preferences, setting up new documents. You’ll also learn important techniques of using tools and why to use them, where to use them and what are the best practices of its application to make better design more effectively.

You’ll learn everything about working with objects in Illustrator. These are the buildings blocks of all vector graphics so these initial lessons will help you to understand and work with more complex tools later as you move along with your lessons in course.

Next learn about the different types of Brushes and how to make the most of their unique features. You will also learn how to create your own custom brushes.

Next up, in upcoming lessons of the course, you’ll master drawing modes, the Pen tool, and all the different ways you can draw and manipulate paths.

Once you are comfortable with all of that you can move onto the Advanced Techniques section, which will introduce more complex features like Symbols, Graphs, Gradient Meshes, Perspective Drawing, Recolor artwork.

Finally, discover how to correctly export your work for print and screen, and ways to share and archive your projects.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
graphic designers
vector artists
potential designers
traditional illustrators
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Masterclass of Basics  of Tools & Techniques in Adobe Illustrator in Urdu Language

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