Learn Rigging & Animation Techniques in Spine Vol 2

The Ultimate Spine Game Rigging & Animation Course

Learn Rigging & Animation Techniques in Spine Vol 2
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531  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



The Ultimate Spine Game Rigging & Animation Course will take you step by step from getting your art ready in Photoshop to rigging and animating in Spine. You’ll also get to create two different animations with two different characters. Each one is rigged to get the most out of each character. The techniques shown can be applied to any animation whether it’s a humanoid or creature. The techniques are the same and they work!

This course will definitely improve your animation skill set and make your work stand out from the rest. Whether your a beginner or more advanced in Spine this course is for you. If for whatever reason your not satisfied get your money back guaranteed!

By the time you finish with the course you’ll go from beginner to expert. Here’s what’s included in the course.

Crash course in Photoshop – If your a beginner in Photoshop I’ll guide you through the process of image cutting and painting.

How to rig a character in Spine from start to finish.

Learn the basics of animation.

Learn techniques to polish your animations.

How to animate a walk cycle and idle.

11 sections with 35 lectures.

Here is your chance to take your animations to the next level. Sign up for the course today!


Spine is an animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games. Spine aims to have an efficient, streamlined workflow, both for creating animations and for making use of those animations in games.


Animation in Spine is done by attaching images to bones, then animating the bones. This is called skeletal or cutout animation and has numerous benefits over traditional, frame-by-frame animation:

Smaller size Traditional animation requires an image for each frame of animation. Spine animations store only the bone data, which is very small, allowing you to pack your game full of unique animations.

Art requirements Spine animations require much fewer art assets, freeing up time and money better spent on the game.

Smoothness Spine animations use interpolation so animation is always as smooth as the frame rate. Animations can be played in slow motion with no loss in quality.

Attachments Images attached to bones can be swapped to outfit a character with different items and effects. Animations can be reused for characters that look different, saving countless hours.

Mixing Animations can be blended together. For example, a character could play a shoot animation while also playing a walk, run or swim animation. Changing from one animation to another can be smoothly crossfaded.

Procedural animation Bones can be manipulated through code, allowing for effects like shooting toward the mouse position, looking toward nearby enemies, or leaning forward when running up hill.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Artists all levels
Developers all levels
Animators all levels
Anyone wanting to learn Spine rigging and animation from beginners, intermediate, to advance.
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Learn Rigging & Animation Techniques in Spine Vol 2

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