Learn to draw animals, plants, and natural forms in this ever-expanding sketching club, with new material every month!

The School of Drawing: How to Draw Nature Masterclass

Learn to draw animals, plants, and natural forms in this ever-expanding sketching club, with new material every month!
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57 Avis
380  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Drawing Natural Forms

Hey, it’s great to welcome you to « The School of Drawing ». My name is Tim, and I’ll guide you through this « Drawing Natural Forms » course. I’ve put together a host of animations, many films shot in different styles, helpful assignments, and worksheets you can download and use at your leisure. This course is perfect for those who are just starting with drawing, so don’t worry if you have no prior experience. I have structured this course on the seven elements of art: Line, Shape, Tone, Form, Space, Colour, Pattern and Texture.

Please complete the homework assignments and post your drawings so I can give you feedback. I find students who put the most effort in and almost go beyond the assignment’s expectations make the quickest progress. To take part in this course, I recommend keeping a sketchbook and completing each assignment on a double page. This way, you will be able to monitor your progress and have that satisfying feeling of filling up a sketchbook.

I want to turn this natural forms drawing course into a dynamic club with regular additional tutorials and workshops. I’ve got some exciting new projects coming very soon!

Let’s get started learning to draw natural forms!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Welcome to this comprehensive beginner’s guide to drawing—that aims to inspire you to embrace sketching as an integral part of your life, encouraging you to venture outdoors with a sketchbook. Drawing plays a pivotal role in developing any creative individual, heightening your perception of the world through keen observation, thus fostering imaginative thinking and the ability to establish meaningful connections. For me, drawing is the foundation for all visual art disciplines, providing a fundamental framework for expressing ideas and emotions. Beyond that, it holds a special place in my heart as I have drawn before I could talk. This course allows me to share my passion for drawing and nature, delve into the bonds that unites them, and how drawing can help unravel what you are looking at.
For me, mastering the art of drawing has its share of challenges, including still life, landscape, architecture, and more. The skills required to sketch moving animals and people differ from those needed for static scenes and subjects. In this first school of drawing course, I am focusing on drawing stationary natural forms and capturing subjects that are all around us. You can set up similar arrangements to the ones I demonstrate and visit similar locations to draw from first-hand observation. If you have trouble finding a comparable subject, I will also include photos in the resources section.
To participate in this course, I recommend keeping a sketchbook and dedicating a double page to each assignment. This way, you can track your progress and experience the satisfaction of filling up a sketchbook. Conversely to the « just draw what you see » approach. I believe that there is a wide range of ideas and exercises you can practise that will genuinely improve anyone’s ability to get the animal down on paper. I mix and match ideas I have picked up throughout my career from the best teachers and maybe a few new ideas that I have invented along the way.
Training the eye and hand takes time and practice but can be sped up if you follow the exercises in this course. This way, you will hopefully get a feeling of progress rather than that of frustration.
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Learn to draw animals, plants, and natural forms in this ever-expanding sketching club, with new material every month!

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