Introduction :-
No matter any Engineering Discipline – Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, Civil, Structural – CAD drawings have a common purpose to convey information on how to Construct / Production. In order to start any constructions, we must have CAD drawings with precise details. By taking up this course, it will enable you to learn CAD easily within no time. We have taken the burden of reducing the content to what is required to Master AutoCad, which will be pretty helpful to apply in Real World.
About this Course :-
This Course is structured in such a way that it applies to any version of Autocad from 2007-2020. Covering all the topics which is required to work with this tool. Anyone can take up this course without any prerequisite or any prior knowledge, will be able to enhance their skills in AutoCad that is for sure.
Live Project :-
This courses designed to work on live Project with all the commands and tools are explained with its short cuts as applied in the industry.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is suitable for both beginners to achievers
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