Learn the pipeline of creating game assets using these powerful applications!

Texturing and Baking Game Assets in ZBrush, xNormal and nDo

Learn the pipeline of creating game assets using these powerful applications!
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269  Sessions

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Description In this accelerated tutorial, Galen Davis takes us through a unique pipeline showing us how to export and UV inside of ZBrush, bake out normal maps and Ambient Occlusion using xNormal, and covers an introduction to texturing using nDo2. Lastly, we wrapup the model for presentation inside Marmoset! About the Instructor: Galen Davis is an Environment Artist currently living and working in Southern California. He is contributing to several AAA titles and is experienced in Next Generation Pipelines. Games and art are his absolute passion. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Beginner game artists, or intermediate users interested in learning a new pipeline for their workAfficher plusAfficher moins

Learn the pipeline of creating game assets using these powerful applications!

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