Graphism and 2D animation with Synfig Studio open source software

Synfig Studio the complete course for 2D animation

Graphism and 2D animation with Synfig Studio open source software
Notes de 3,5 sur 5
18 Avis
76  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Synfig Studio

Synfig studio is a software for creating 2D vector animations. It is open source and free. It uses an animation process using digital interpolation. This software is perfect for people who want to make 2D animations with free software. Synfig studio supports a multitude of layers of different types : geometric, gradients, filters, distortions, transformations and more. It is possible to export video formats such as AVI and MPEG, as well as motion graphics formats such as MNG and GIF. The program can also process a sequence of numbered image files, using formats such as PNG, BMP, PPM, and OpenEXR.

Advantages of this software

– Open source software

– The ability to create drawings in vector format

– Many layer choices

– A timeline with key images

– The creation of framework on PNG files or on layers

– The variety of activities

Training video

In this training you will learn Synfig Studio from the beginning. You will see how to use the dashboard and work with the different tools. You will also see all the management of layers, colors or gradients. After this work, you will switch to the animation part with the management of the timeline and the addition of keyframes to create an animation. There will also be training with the bouncing ball or the creation of a character with the addition of a frame to create an animation.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who want to make simple animations
People who want to make 2D animations with open source software
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Graphism and 2D animation with Synfig Studio open source software

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