Master the symmetry tool in Procreate and learn how to create stamps and seamless patterns in no time.

Symmetry Drawing in Procreate

Master the symmetry tool in Procreate and learn how to create stamps and seamless patterns in no time.
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18 Avis
117  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Procreate is one of the most amazing apps for creating digital art on your iPad and iPhone. It totally amazed me the first time I used it, and nowadays it is like Netflix to me, I can’t live without it! 🙂

In this course, we will discover the « Symmetry » tool. We will learn how to create guides and use “Drawing Assist” tool to perfectly mirror our strokes.

I will give you some tips and tricks to master this feature. I will show you how to create water reflections, patterns, mandalas and more symmetrical illustrations using this fantastic tool.

I will try to explain everything step by step but you will make the most of this class if you have basic knowledge of Procreate.

We will cover things like:

Symmetry tool options

Customizing QuickMenu

Making seamless patterns

Creating stamps

Different ways to add color to our drawings

And much more!

Bonus lesson: Drawing a beautiful flower using the symmetry tool

I will show you how easy is to create a beautiful flower in Procreate in less than 30 minutes.

We will use:

– Symmetry tool.

– Clipping masks as a way to add texture to specific areas.

– Blending modes to add lights, shadows, and volume to our drawing.

Let’s have some fun!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Aspiring artist and illustrators interested in learning digital art
All levels Procreate users
People interested in creating symmetrical illustrations (portraits, mandalas, patterns…)
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Master the symmetry tool in Procreate and learn how to create stamps and seamless patterns in no time.

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