Learn everything you need to create stylized textures and materials with the Blender tools

Stylized texturing for video games with Blender

Learn everything you need to create stylized textures and materials with the Blender tools
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93 Avis
1 321  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course you will learn the complete workflow for creating stylized materials and textures for your models using the Blender tools.

What we will see in the course:


-How Blender’s texture paint mode works

-How Blender’s node editor works

Project 1: Mushroom Diorama

-Basic modeling and UV unwrapping

-Blocking y color gradients

-Hand-painted texturing to refine and detail

-How to export the final texture maps

-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag

Project 2: Mystery Diorama

-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag

-Stylized procedural texturing with Blender’s shader editor

-Custom texture projection with the stencil tool

-Creation of the emissive and transparency channel
-How to export the final texture maps

-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag

Project 3: Chest of the golden sun

-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag

-Stylized procedural texturing with Blender’s shader editor

-Creation of the metalness and roughness channel
-How to export the final texture maps

-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag

Project 4:  Character (Kiuby girl)

-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag

-Procedural color blocking for all the materials

-Procedural texturing of organic materials (hair, skin, fur)

-Procedural texturing with patterns for the fabric

-Procedural texturing of armor, wood y metallic objects
-Hand-painted texturing for the details of the face and other parts of the skin
-Final maps exporting

-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag

Final talking and recommendations

We will talk a little about how to study references and face texturing challenges on your own

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wants to learn how to texture models with stylized aesthetics.
Students and professionals who want to learn how to create materials with Blender.
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Learn everything you need to create stylized textures and materials with the Blender tools

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