For Video Game Developers Who Want to Create 2D Rigs & Character Animations using SPRITER and import directly into Unity

SPRITER 2D Humanoid Character Rigging & Animation for Unity

For Video Game Developers Who Want to Create 2D Rigs & Character Animations using SPRITER and import directly into Unity
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488  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIn this course you’ll learn how to setup bones and rigging for spine-based 2D animations in SPRITER. You’ll learn how to make an idle, walk, punch and kick animation. And finally, how to import your finished animations designed within SPRITER directly into Unity for the purpose of video game development. By the end of the course, you’ll have a fully rigged, animated and prefabbed character for your video game project with a very simple character controller which allows you to walk back and forth on a platform with the ability to punch and kick.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Unity 2D video game developers who are interested in creating spine-based character animations.Anyone interested in learning 2D character rigging and animation in SpriterAfficher plusAfficher moins

For Video Game Developers Who Want to Create 2D Rigs & Character Animations using SPRITER and import directly into Unity

19,99 €
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