The invisible battle on the sports fields

Sports Sponsorship

The invisible battle on the sports fields
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79 Avis
262  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Join thousands of students worldwide in the most comprehensive sports sponsorship course on Udemy!

With valuable information and clear explanations in every episode, you’ll easily be able to understand the key factors of sports sponsorship, as well as learning how to take your first step in this fascinating field. We will cover:

·     Foudations of sports sponsorship

·     Sponsorship revenues

·     Sports media

·     Sponsorship-like advertisement

·     Endorsement

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional in sports sponsorship, we believe you will all have helpful learnings from this course. When you finish this course, you’ll be able to:

·     Analyze several types and categories of sponsorship

·     Be familiarized with the development of sports commercials revolution of media rights

·     Audit sponsorship correctly to carry out sales plans and sales execution

·     Evaluate Return On Investment and increase sponsorship revenues

·     Understand how Athlete Endorsement works

You’ll also get:

✔️ Lifetime access to the course

✔️ Fast and friendly support in the Q&A section

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone interested in sports management
Anyone interested in sports sponsorship
Anyone who seeks career paths in sports industry
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The invisible battle on the sports fields

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