Learn Space Planning and style a space considering Space Proportion and Anthropometry for various rooms

Space Excogitate – Space Planning

Learn Space Planning and style a space considering Space Proportion and Anthropometry for various rooms
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2  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Imagine that you go on a vacation, check-in in a hotel and guess what, the entrance door is too small for a normal built human to enter. Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable for you to walk into a grand hotel with such a crammed up entrance? Think of a mall without enough space to walk. How would you feel wearing clothes which are either four times larger or smaller than the size you usually wear? The thought itself would make anyone uncomfortable.

Knowledge about which object (cupboard, table, chair, toilet, etc.) will occupy how much area along with usable space is what makes a property functional. Space planning is the key to avoid such inconveniences.

Learn how to shape a space using the right kind of décor, furniture, and storage according to the requirements of various residential areas and types of commercial spaces like hotels, hospitals, malls, etc.

This course will help students to get acquainted with the technical and creative aspects of Space Planning. The course has been categorised step by step to guide students understand the crucial aspects of the subject.

1. Introduction to Space Planning, Space Proportion and Anthropometry – These topics will not only introduce you to the topic will establish a base in the form of common terms and terminologies but also give you a headstart to dive deep into the topic.

2. Styling ideas for Residential and Commercial Spaces – The topics covered in this category will give you insightful ideas to style rooms of residential spaces (kitchen, bedroom, dining, guest, and master) and commercial layouts (office, mall, hotel, hotel suite, restaurant, and hospital).

3. Sustainable Design Practice – Understand the significance and need for sustainable design practices and get tips to implement them.

Enroll in this course and get invaluable styling insights on how to make a property operational and comfortable to carry out the functions (residential and commercial) for the purpose it is designed.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
An individual aspiring to grow in the field of Interior Design, Interior Styling and Interior Practice
Aspiring and Professional Artists, designers, stylists, students, architects, set designers, entrepreneurs, and other learners
One for All – beginner to proficient individuals in the domains of Interior Design
Enthusiasts who want Styling ideas in residential and commercial spaces
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Learn Space Planning and style a space considering Space Proportion and Anthropometry for various rooms

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