Solid Modeling

SolidWorks Solid Modeling

Solid Modeling
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3  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome in SolidWorks,

The SolidWorks Solid Modeling Course is a comprehensive and hands-on training program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to create precise 3D models using the powerful SolidWorks software. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with CAD (Computer-Aided Design), this course will take you on a journey from the fundamentals to advanced techniques of solid modeling.

Throughout the course, you will learn how to navigate the SolidWorks interface efficiently and utilize its tools effectively. You will gain a solid foundation in 3D modeling techniques, enabling you to create complex geometries and assemblies with precision and accuracy. The course will cover a wide range of topics, including sketching, part modeling, assembly design, detailing, and drawing creation.

The curriculum is carefully designed to provide a balanced blend of theoretical concepts and practical applications. You will engage in hands-on exercises and projects, enabling you to apply the learned concepts to real-world scenarios. The course will emphasize industry best practices, ensuring that you develop the skills necessary for professional-level solid modeling.

Key Topics Covered:

Introduction to SolidWorks: Interface overview, file management, and basic settings.

Sketching Techniques: Creating 2D sketches, dimensions, constraints, and relations.

Part Modeling: Extrusions, revolutions, sweeps, lofts, and advanced features.

Assembly Design: Component relations, mating, motion study, and collision detection.

Detailing and Drawing Creation: Annotations, views, bills of materials, and standards.

Advanced Features: Fillets, chamfers, patterns, configurations, and simulations.

Design Automation: Utilizing parametric design, design tables, and equations.

Collaboration and Documentation: Working with multi-user environments, file sharing, and data management.

Course Benefits:

By the end of the SolidWorks Solid Modeling Course, you will have developed a strong foundation in 3D modeling and gained proficiency in using SolidWorks software. You will be able to create complex parts and assemblies, generate detailed drawings, and collaborate effectively with other designers or engineers. The course will provide you with a competitive edge in various industries, including product design, mechanical engineering, architecture, and manufacturing.


No prior experience with SolidWorks is required for this course. However, a basic understanding of computer-aided design principles and familiarity with Windows operating systems will be beneficial.

Whether you aspire to enhance your CAD skills for professional growth or pursue a career in design and engineering, the SolidWorks Solid Modeling Course is an excellent starting point to unlock your potential and excel in the world of 3D modeling. Enroll now and embark on a transformative learning journey that will open doors to exciting opportunities in the industry.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
The course is suitable for individuals with little to no prior experience in CAD or 3D modeling. It provides a solid foundation in SolidWorks and takes learners through the basics of sketching, part modeling, assembly design, and detailing.
Students pursuing degrees or certifications in engineering, design, or related fields will find this course beneficial. It equips them with practical skills in solid modeling, enhancing their academic knowledge and preparing them for future careers.
The course is also suitable for professionals already working in the field of computer-aided design (CAD) who wish to expand their expertise specifically in SolidWorks. It helps them master the software’s features, advanced techniques, and best practices for efficient design creation.
Professionals involved in product design and development can benefit greatly from this course. It equips them with the skills to create accurate 3D models, design complex assemblies, and generate detailed drawings, enabling them to bring their design ideas to life.
Engineers working in the manufacturing and mechanical engineering industries can enhance their skills through this course. They will learn how to create precise models and assemblies, simulate motion, and optimize designs for manufacturing processes.
Architects and building designers can use SolidWorks to create 3D models of structures and architectural elements. This course enables them to develop their modeling skills and efficiently represent their designs in a digital format.
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Solid Modeling

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