Learn to use two softwares to create manga without drawing skills

Softwares to create manga without drawing skills

Learn to use two softwares to create manga without drawing skills
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7  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Have you plenty of ideas for manga or comic books but you don’t have any drawing talent? No problem, this course is done for you. With Comipo and Kuma Manga Editor, you will have two powerful tools to learn how to create manga without being an artist yourself. Just find how to use these softwares to create frames, how to integrate characters, to change their clothes, poses and how to add plenty of various effects and bubbles and here you are: your comic book is created! You will be able to create without limits!

You will also see that, no matter what are your abilities in telling stories, or your drawing skills, these softwares will help you to create and publish your stories. You will not have to learn during plenty of hours the artistic activities, like drawing, painting, inking and page setting… You just have to follow this course and the tips I’m teaching in it, so as to have enough tools in hand to create efficient manga and comicbooks.

You will not have any excuses anymore to do not create the stories you ever wanted to do. So get ready and be sure that the only limit is your imagination.

Have you plenty of ideas for manga or comic books but you don’t have any drawing talent? No problem, this course is done for you. With Comipo and Kuma Manga Editor, you will have two powerful tools to learn how to create manga without being an artist yourself. Just find how to use these softwares to create frames, how to integrate characters, to change their clothes, poses and how to add plenty of various effects and bubbles and here you are: your comic book is created! You will be able to create without limits!

You will also see that, no matter what are your abilities in telling stories, or your drawing skills, these softwares will help you to create and publish your stories. You will not have to learn during plenty of hours the artistic activities, like drawing, painting, inking and page setting… You just have to follow this course and the tips I’m teaching in it, so as to have enough tools in hand to create efficient manga and comicbooks.

You will not have any excuses anymore to do not create the stories you ever wanted to do. So get ready and be sure that the only limit is your imagination.

Have a great course !

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Those who want easy tools to create manga
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Learn to use two softwares to create manga without drawing skills

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