Social Media Strategist

Social Media Strategist

Social Media Strategist
Notes de 4,4 sur 5
51 Avis
235  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionThe Social Media Strategist course enables the candidates to learn and implement the various social media platforms to conduct and audit market analysis, set goals, select platforms, create social media policy and integrate marketing strategies for their organizations. The course is about developing effective content, popular platforms, launching successful advertisement campaigns and managing the community. Candidates are also taught to improve customer service and measure, analyze and report user behavior to enable targeted marketing resulting in overall business growth.Digital marketing is replacing the traditional marketing at a very rapid pace due to its targeted approach and low cost. The modern day businesses are looking forward for experts who can use various social media platforms to market their products and advertise effectively for sales growth. This course covers the fundamental concepts and commonly used social media platforms and prepares the candidates to make full use of the available options online.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Marketing managers for small and medium businessesSmall and medium business ownersDigital marketing expertsStart-up managersAfficher plusAfficher moins

Social Media Strategist

19,99 €
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