Camtasia and Powerpoint are great tools for teaching online! Just record your Powerpoint Presentation with Camtasia!

Simple Screencasting with Camtasia and Powerpoint

Camtasia and Powerpoint are great tools for teaching online! Just record your Powerpoint Presentation with Camtasia!
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to my new class « Simple Screencasting with Camtasia and PowerPoint »

This is for people who want to start creating online classes and  (automated) webinars

Part 1’s topic is « Power Point Basics »

It is thought for people who have not worked with Power Point before.

I am showing you the basic steps you have to undertake in order to set up a presentation

You will be learning how to

open a presentation
insert images
insert shapes
create transisions and
present the slides

in Power Point

In Part 2 you will learn how to set up a presentation for your online class or an (automated) webinar.

In Part 3 you will learn how to record your screen with the Camtasia Recorder.

In Part 4 I will show you how to edit your recording with the Cmatasia Studio.

Part 5 is an example on how to create an Intro Video.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This class is for people who want to learn how to record and edit presentations for teaching online
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Camtasia and Powerpoint are great tools for teaching online! Just record your Powerpoint Presentation with Camtasia!

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