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Running successful Webinars on a Shoestring

Growing your business through successful webinars is a great way to gain a new audience for your products & services.
2 838  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


Description Running successful Webinars on a Shoestring to grow your business
If you run any kind of business, webinars are a great way to build your credibility and customer rapport. Even if you do not presently run a business, you can still do webinars. Then you would be doing it just for fun.
Whatever your intention is in running webinars, they are a great resource to earning additional income by showing and/or telling others about something you know and love.
Whichever way you look at it, it’s all about giving and sharing information with your audience. Helping them to get answers to problems they may have, or learning something of value to them.
While webinars are often used as a sales promotion tool, ultimately it is about giving VALUE.
In this course, I am taking you through the whole process from beginning to end, thus enabling you to run your own webinars afterwards. And I am giving you tips and ideas of how to do this ‘on a shoestring’, for free or at very minimal outlay to you.
The course consists of:
13 video sessions in varying lengths 13 handouts for note-taking 4 additional bonus PDF’s À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Anyone who wants to promote and market their businessAnyone who wants to promote their own or JV productsAnyone who wants to share a skill or knowledge, either for profit or freeAfficher plusAfficher moins

Learn how to use Leadfeeder to prospect, track and understand Intent of the Accounts and Leads in your website.

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