Risk Based Inspection (RBI) based on Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) for Offshore Platforms

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) based on Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms
Notes de 3,3 sur 5
18 Avis
72  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This ia an Advanced Lecture series on the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) for Offshore Structures used in the Oil & Gas industry. RBI is a preferred tool for implementation of Structural Integrity Managment Systems (SIMS) for the Oil & Gas industry. While there are other components of an Offshore Asset to which RBI is also applicable, this lecture series focuses on RBI for Offshore Platforms specifically.

Thus this is tailormade for Offshore Structural Engineers, Asset Integrity Management Professionals, Project Management Professionals, Operations and Maintenance Professionals & Senior Management of Oil & Gas companies.

This is an advanced field and is highly in demand as the Oil & Gas industry needs good Asset Integrity Professionals. Thus this course is of great benefit for those seeking a career in this field. It is also appropriate for other seasoned Oil & Gas industry Professionals seeking to enhance and expand their Knowledge.

It has 9 lectures in all covering varies topics. Some of the topics covered are :

Quantitative Risk assessment

Qualitative Risk Assessment

Underwater Inspections

Inspection and Repair Strategies

Risk reduction and mitigation measures.

& others.

After undergoing this course you should be able to carry out QRA for Offshore Platforms. The same principles also apply for other Offshore Field Assets. The course provides an easy learning pathway to an otherwise abstruse subject. All topics are explained in detailed and simple terms to get you upto speed with your knowledge of Asset Integrity Management.

Please go through the Free Preview to know more about the course in Chapter 1. Chapter 1 however is purposely made very simple to help you tp anticipate the easy learning curve provided. The following chapters are more advanced and need careful attention to detail with formulae and models, diagrams, Illustrations and Tables provided. Hence this course while offering you a good subjective knowledge also covers the mathematics of the subject comprehensively.

We wish you Good Luck and an Happy learning experience.

Warms Regards,

Sourabh Kumar

Btech (Hons) IIT Kharagpur

19 yrs of International experience in the Offshore Oil & Gas industry with Leading companies in the field.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Advanced Learners of Offshore Oil & Gas field
Seasoned Asset Integrity Professionals
Operations and Maintenance Teams
Project Management Professionals associated with Oil & Gas field
Senior Management of Oil & Gas Companes
Experienced Offshore Structural Engineers
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Risk Based Inspection (RBI) based on Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms

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