Learn to create the most complete and functional rig to animate your 3D characters from scratch to final complete rig

Rigging for characters in Autodesk Maya

Learn to create the most complete and functional rig to animate your 3D characters from scratch to final complete rig
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionA great course where you will learn to create a very complete rig, both facial and body excellent to be animated later, we will start from scratch having the character ready to get the final complete rig, we will create the bones (joints) and name them appropriately to duplicate them to the other side automatically, we will create the IK handles to give movement in hands and feet, we will create the controls for each part of the body, we will configure the switch from IK to FK for the arms, in this way our character will be able to emulate any movement of the hand, later we will create the facial controls, as well as the jaw bone to have an easy-to-use facial rig, we will configure the eyes, the overall control and the mouth of the character.
Finally we will create the facial gestures, we will configure the rig of the fingers and weigh the character to achieve excellent deformations almost automatically and without using plugins.
No doubt the ideal course for you if you are interested in learning to create complete and functional rigs for the animation of 3D characters.
At the end of the course you will be able to create a complete and functional rig for your own characters and thus move to the animation stage.
In summary, with this course you will learn:
Use Autodesk Maya for Rigging
Create complete and functional rigs for animation
Create custom controls
Add both IK and FK modes
Automate a rig
Create facial and body rig
Achieve excellent deformations almost automatically
Create facial gestures
Automate the creation of facial gestures
Tips for locating bones and controls
Configure the jaw and mouth in general
Test and optimize a rigÀ qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Any enthusiast, student or professional who wants to learn to create complete rigs for character animation using one of the best 3D programs Autodesk Maya.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn to create the most complete and functional rig to animate your 3D characters from scratch to final complete rig

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